At 5 weeks old, you have become very alert. After each feeding you enjoy looking lovingly into our eyes and interacting with us. Ofcourse, not much comes of it but blowing bubbles and cooeing, but we'll take what we can get. You eat very well, and don't have any trouble on that front. You went through a stage where you were constantly fussy with gas, but you're thankfully not as fussy anymore and we are happy about that. You are generally a happy baby.
You have thick black hair that is already starting to be curly. I originally thought after 2 or so weeks you would be bald, but I am pleasantly surprised at how much hair you continue to have. Not only on the back of your head, but in the front as well. You have a really pretty shaped hairline in the front and the back of your hair is already growing so much that it practically covers the hairbands we put in. I am interested to see if you keep it, or if it eventually thins out. You also have very dark eyes. The boys both had blue from the get-go, so this dark eye thing is new to us. There is a small ring of blue that remains around the outer rim of your eye, but the rest is a dark, very nearly brown color. I'm really liking this black hair brown eye thing. It's such a contrast to the other babies.
We love you sweet girl, and are so happy you're a part of our family!
Oh.. Your little baby is so adorable... =) This blog you're doing for her is so sweet. It kind of remind me of a serie there's on Disney Chanel (guess it's something like "Good Luck Charlie") Really, I think it is just lovely of you. You're all such a nice family.